Acne and supplements

Acne and supplements

Now it is said that acne is not limited to adolescence, and adults can also acne. Speaking of troubles of adults' skin, there are many things such as drying and greasy, but it is said that there are many people suffering from acne in recent adult skin problems. I think that it is necessary to know the cause of acne first, how to improve acne.
I think that the cause of acne is different for each person, I think that some people can make acne due to stress, I think there is also the possibility that acne can be caused by inflammation of the skin. If you improve the cause of acne it will make it less prone to acne, but I think stress is by far the most difficult problem.
I hope I can resolve it without stress, but I think that it is becoming acne as it can not be done, but as stress gets stuck one of the adrenal cortical hormones will be secreted, but with cortisone and If the number of adrenocortical hormones called is increased, it is said that acne can be made because the ingredient called vitamin B type pantothenic acid for improving skin metabolism will not be secreted.
That means that you should take vitamin B, but it is difficult to take vitamin B in large quantities with meals. So supplementing supplements will compensate for the pantetonic acid that has been reduced due to the increased cortisone caused by the stress that is causing the acne. Supplements are also effective for stress, which in the end will also be to prevent acne with supplements.
Then supplements are also effective in the case of acne caused by inflammation, it is possible to cover acne caused by inflammation, of course with supplements.
The acne that occurs in inflammation, as the age increases, the skin turnover is delayed so that the horny layer accumulates and the inflammation occurs and the acne is made, so it is enough to take supplements that will help turnover That's it.
People who want to prevent acne when choosing supplements or want to improve acne as choosing supplement ingredients such as those containing vitamin B 2 or supplements such as niacin and pantothenic acid It is a very effective supplement for acne, is not it?
People who want to improve acne by choosing supplements should take vitamin B group supplements.